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Bamboo building - NorthbyNorth

Bamboo, the winning material for sustainable construction

Bamboo building - NorthbyNorth
bambus møbler

Bamboo, the winning material for sustainable construction

NorthbyNorth's love for bamboo goes much further than the beautiful high quality bamboo patio furniture we produce. We are committed to sustainability and to helping the planet. Here, we've done so...

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Gør din terrasse eller have sommerklar med disse 6 tips

Get your terrace or garden ready for summer with these 6 tips

Does your terrace need a makeover this summer? With spring just around the corner, it will soon be bright and sunny, the perfect conditions to start enjoying parties and socializing in the garden o...

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Bamboo furniture Sustainable material
bambus møbler

Bamboo's wonderful flexibility

NorthbyNorth's love affair with bamboo patio furniture is well documented, but you may not know that bamboo is the material of choice in many other industries. Bamboo, originally from the Far East,...

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Bambusstillads: En gammel teknik til moderne byggeri

Bamboo scaffolding: An ancient technique for modern construction

At NorthbyNorth we are proud that we use one of the most sustainable natural materials - bamboo. Not only do we appreciate its aesthetic qualities, but bamboo is also extremely strong and we are co...

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Bambusbygninger: Bambusens utrolige kvaliteter

Bamboo buildings: The incredible qualities of bamboo

Overlooked for most of the 20th century in favor of concrete and steel, bamboo is now making a comeback! And it's not just in everyday things or bamboo garden furniture. Bamboo is becoming more and...

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Sådan indretter du din terrasse med de rigtige restaurantborde og -stole

How to furnish your terrace with the right restaurant tables and chairs

Hotel furniture and mapples for restaurants must fulfill several specific functions. They need to be durable, but they also need to create an inviting, comfortable space that entices people to come...

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NorthbyNorth: AR virtual showroom

NorthbyNorth: AR virtual showroom

Choosing the right type of furniture can be difficult. Whether you're buying furniture for restaurants, cafes or bars, or you want to treat yourself to some luxury bamboo garden furniture, it's a p...

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Sådan beskytter du dine udendørs bambusmøbler

How to protect your outdoor bamboo furniture

Generally we are never completely satisfied with the weather; the British always talk about the weather, and us Scandinavians have to cope with long gray and dark days. Yet we usually complain that...

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Skandinavisk designmøbler

Scandinavian design furniture

Scandinavia has shared many innovations with the rest of the world, including Skype, Spotify and Tetra Pak, but perhaps we are still best known for Scandinavian designer furniture. Scandinavian des...

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Hvorfor håndlavede bambusmøbler er fremtiden

Why handmade bamboo furniture is the future

Why not make your home or garden even more beautiful with some handmade bamboo furniture. When creating a new interior design, it is important to stay ahead of current trends, such as the ever-incr...

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